A tie can arise when a part of the wing is entangled in the slings of a
paraglider. This happens with inaccurate prelaunch preparation or as
a result of a strong collapse in turbulence.
When a tie occurs, the most important action is keeping the flight di-
rection of the paraglider. Otherwise, autorotation can occur very quick-
ly - a powerful spontaneous rotation of the paraglider with huge verti-
cal and horizontal velocities.
To open the tie, pull the “tie” (stabilizer) line. It may take a lot of stretch-
ing this line.
Also for the disclosure of a tie, you can perform a full or asymmetrical
wedge. This technique is very effective, but may require sufficient alti-
tude over the terrain for exit and high skill of the pilot.
In the event that normal paraglider control by means of brakes is not
possible (for example, if one control line is loosened or torn) piloting by
pulling the D-riser is possible.
It is necessary to remember that the required course for such piloting
is much less than when controlling the brakes, so you have to pull the
D-Risers carefully, to avoid stalls or spins.
Try to avoid these maneuvers whenever possible.
Carefully assess the weather conditions before take-off.
If there is a probability of deterioration of weather conditions, choose
a landing pad and approaches to it in advance.
Control without brakes
Methods for rapid descent