Gusher Pumps, Inc. has taken great care in
preparing your pump for shipment, however,
due to circumstances beyond our control, your
shipment may be received damaged. There-
fore, we strongly recommend that you take a
few minutes to check your pump upon receipt.
Check for cracked, bent, severely misaligned
(minor misalignments almost always occur
during shipment), or even missing parts. If any
such damage has occurred, you must report it
to the delivering carrier and Gusher Pumps, Inc.
We also recommend that you check the model
number, horsepower, current characteristics,
g.p.m., and ft. head of pump received to en-
sure that you have received the pump you or-
dered for your specific operating conditions. If
you should find some discrepancy, report it to
Gusher at once.
If your pump is not going to be installed within
six months, several precautions must be tak-
1. Preservative treatment of bearings and ma-
chined surfaces is required.
2. Remove packing on pumps with packed
stuffing box, the stuffing box and shaft
sleeve must be oil lubricated to also protect
against moisture.
3. Units equipped with mechanical seals must
also be oil lubricated with an oil can through
the NPT port while rotating the shaft by
4. Pump suction and discharge ports must be
covered to prevent foreign material from
getting into the pump and causing damage
when pump is started at a later date.
5. Pump must be stored in a dry location.
6. Rotate pump shaft several times every other
Pump and components are heavy. Serious
physical injury or damage to equipment
could occur from failure to properly lift and
support pump. Steel-toed shoes must be
worn at all times.
Use care when moving pumps. Lifting equip-
ment must be able to sufficiently support the
entire pump. Refer to Figs. 2a, b, c for proper
lifting techniques.