8. Coat outside of bearing housing (2) and all
internal surfaces of bearing frame (13) with
9. Install shaft assembly into bearing frame.
(Fig. 15)
10. Install locking screws and adjusting screws
with jamb nuts, and hand tighten.
11. Install oil seal (1) in bearing housing.
M & L Power Frames
1. Install the oil sight gauge, bearing frame
breather, and oil drain plug in the bearing
frame (13) and hand tighten.
2. Install the thrust bearing (5) on shaft (9) for
bearing installation procedure see Appendix
3. Thread locknut (4) onto shaft and tighten
until snug. On M power frame use snap
ring (4).
4. Coat outside of thrust bearing (5) and the
inside of bearing housing (6) with oil. Install
bearing housing onto shaft/bearing assem-
bly. Do not force assembly together.
5. Install thrust bearing retainer (2), gasket
(3), and bolts. Torque bolts per Table 6 and
check shaft for free turning.
6. Install radial bearing (10) onto shaft, for
bearing installation procedure see Appen-
dix 4.
7. Install new o-ring (7) onto bearing housing
8. Install oil seal (1) into thrust bearing retainer
9. Coat outside of bearing housing (2) and all
internal surfaces of bearing frame (13) with
10. Install shaft assembly into bearing frame
11. Install locking screws and adjusting screws
with jamb nuts, and hand tighten.