.55 Approx.
1.25 Approx.
3 Approx.
BEARINGS ......................................................................................................................................... 18
OIL LUBRICATED........................................................................................................................ 18
GREASE LUBRICATED ............................................................................................................... 18
COUPLING ALIGNMENT ................................................................................................................... 19
SHAFT SEALS .................................................................................................................................... 19
PACKED PUMPS ........................................................................................................................ 19
MECHANICAL SEALS ................................................................................................................. 20
SETTING IMPELLER CLEARANCE .................................................................................................... 21
TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................................................ 22
All pumps are lubricated at the Gusher plant
and should not require additional lubrication for
approximately 1200 hours of operation. A well
planned maintenance schedule can only be de-
vised after the first six months of operation and
the lubrication record review at that time. Each
pump installation is unique and requires indi-
vidual attention to set up the proper lubrication
schedule for each specific installation. About
once every year it is recommended that the
bearings be cleaned and flushed with carbon
tetrachloride and then relubricated.
Oil Lubricated
A high quality turbine oil with rust and oxida-
tion inhibitors, such as Mobil DTE 26 (300 SSU)
or its equivalent, should be used. Fill bearing
frame with oil until level is at the center of the
sight glass.
Grease Lubricated
1. When regreasing ensure the grease contain-
er, greasing device, and the grease fittings
are clean to prevent impurities from entering
the bearing housing.
2. Remove the 2 grease relief plugs from the
bottom of the bearing frame.
3. Fill both grease cavities with Chevron SRI #2
or equivalent until fresh grease comes out of
relief holes.
4. Reinstall the grease relief plugs.
5. Check the frame seals to ensure they are
seated in the bearing housing. If not, press
into place with drains located at the bottom.
The bearing temperature will usually rise after
regreasing due to an excess of grease. Tem-
peratures should return to normal after the
pump has purged the excess grease. Never mix
greases of different consistency or thickener. If
it is necessary to change, remove all of the old
grease from the housing.