Coupling alignment must be checked before
and after initial startup, after 300 hours of oper-
ation, and again after 1200 hours of operation.
Follow procedures given in the Installation sec-
tion. Again, we strongly recommend setting up
and following a routine maintenance program
to ensure optimum life from your pump.
Packed Pumps
DO NOT STOP LEAKAGE! Packed glands
drawn up too tight increases power consump-
tion, increases wear on shaft, and shortens life
of packing. When leakage can no longer be
controlled by drawing up on the packing gland
add another ring of packing to the stuffing box.
After further operation and leakage again can
no longer be controlled replace the packing by
using the following procedure:
1. Remove all old packing from the stuffing
box. Clean box and shaft sleeve thoroughly
and examine for wear. Replace shaft sleeve
if wear is excessive. Check bearing by lifting
shaft up and down; do not expect packing
to act as a bearing.
2. Use the right cross section of packing,
Gusher uses Non-Asbestos packing as our
standard for general purpose applications.
Packing for special applications available,
consult factory.
3. When using coil or spiral packing always cut
the packing into separate rings. Never wind
a coil of packing into a stuffing box. Rings
can either be cut with butt (square) joint or
diagonal joints. (Fig. 8) The best way to cut
packing is on a mandrel the same diameter
as the shaft sleeve. Hold the coil packing
tightly and firmly on the mandrel but do not
stretch excessively. Cut the ring and try it in
the stuffing box to make certain it fills the
packing space properly with no gap in the
joint at the O.D. of the ring. It is necessary
that the rings be cut to the correct size, oth-
erwise service life is reduced.
4. Install one ring at a time. Make sure it is clean
and has not picked up any dirt in handling.
If clean oil is available, lubricate the shaft
and inside of the stuffing box. Seat rings
firmly. (Except for TFE filament and graphite