7. Install oil seal (15) in bearing frame.
8. Install stem plate (23) to stem (18).
9. Check stem plate Rotate shaft one turn, if
reading varies more than .005 in. determine
cause and correct before continuing. (Fig.
10. Install shaft sleeve (16) on shaft.
11. Thread impeller (25) with impeller o-ring (17)
onto shaft.
12. Put shaft wrench on shaft and continue to
thread impeller until it makes firm contact
with sleeve.
13. Next, raise shaft wrench off work surface
(counterclockwise if viewed from impeller
end of pump), then slam it back down onto
work surface or a solid block. Repeat pro-
cess a few times to tighten impeller. (Fig.
14. Loosen locking and jacking screws in bear-
ing frame. Using a feeler gauge, adjust im-
peller until there is a .030 clearance be-
tween the impeller and stem plate. Tighten
jacking and locking screws and jamb nuts.
15. Check impeller runout. If total reading,
checked from vane tip to vane tip, varies
more than .005 in. determine cause and
correct before continuing. (Fig. 23)