이 자료는 저작권법에 따라 보호받는 저작물이므로 무단배포 및 무단복제를 금하며, 내용의 전부
또는 일부를 이용하려면, 반드시 한국 VictorRuoshui 社 의 서면동의를 받아야 합니다.
magnetic places.
8. It is possible to damage the instrument and endanger
the safety of the users when measuring the voltage
over the range limit. The allowed maximum voltage
is printed on the front panel of the instrument, do not
input the range limit specified to avoid the electric
shock and instrument damage
9. Do not measure any voltage when connecting the test
lead with the current terminal to avoid damaging the
instrument and endangering the safety of the users.
10. Do not try to calibrate or repair the instrument,
should operate it by the specially trained or qualified
professional people.
11. The function/range selection knob should be set in
the correct range when measuring. When switching
the function/range selection knob, keep the test lead
off the tested object to make sure there is no any
signal at the input terminal. Do not switch the
function/range selection knob when measuring.
12. When LCD displays “ ”, please replace the