R.T.A. s.r.l. – XPETME05 – 11/20
Dimensioning power for filter, switching and protection system and possible transformer. The basis to
calculate this power is the total power required from drive and motor. It is the sum of the following terms:
- Mechanical power delivered to load: mainly depending on application characteristics like friction,
inertia, efficiency of mechanical transmission etc.
Motor losses: mainly depending on motor type, drive voltage, speed and duty cycle.
Drive losses: mainly depending on drive model, current setting and duty cycle; according with these
parameters these losses can approximately vary between 60 and 130 Watt. It is often very hard to
do an exact forecast of drive and motor losses; in these cases a safety over-dimensioning of the
supply elements proportional to the uncertainty of the data is recommended. To get more accurate
information, contact R.T.A. describing all the data of the particular application.
Protection systems indicated in Fig. 7 must include:
- SPD (Surge Protection Device) nominal working voltagedi 240 V
, overvoltage category III,
1500 V
, 20 kA (Modello VAL-US-240/40/1+0 Phoenix Contact GmbH or equivalent) [Primary
Circuit Overvoltage Protection].
- Residual current protective device with operating residual current of 30 mA.
- Branch circuit protection fuses: UL Type JDDZ, class CC, 600 VAC, 8 Amp (Cooper Bussman
model KTK-R-8 or equivalent) [Branch circuit protection fuses].
For external connections copper wire must be used [Use Copper Conductors only] and certified to work
at 60/75 °C [Use 60/75 °C wires only].
The cross-sectional area of conductors used in power supply circuit must be chosen according with
dimensioning power (see 7.1). The cross-sectional area of the four shielded conductors between motor
and drive must be chosen in accordance with nominal current which has been set in the drive.