Version information and help:
Shows the version information of the software.
Click on the question mark for Instructions for Use (normal mode) or the error list in case of an error
message. When the Service mode is activated, extended user information is shown.
Sample information:
After measurement, the results of the sample are shown in this window. This window is refreshed after
every new result of a sample.
Information about the current status of the instrument is shown here, such as the selected mode (EDTA
or Citrate), selected method (60 or 30 minute) and symbols that draw attention to certain maintenance
conditions or QC sample status (if applicable).
5.2.2 - Main screen with keyboard
To view the status of a specific pipette, click directly on the pipette itself or click the open space in the center
of the belt representation. A virtual number pad is shown.
Type the number of the requested pipette and press the OK button. The pipette information screen is
Starrsed program
MRN-164_2-EN Version 2.02 Interrliner