When selecting an excavation contractor be sure to confirm their experience through referrals,
building contractors, or local officials. Also note that the job can be finished most efficiently if
the contractor has a rubber-tire backhoe with a bucket capacity of at least one-half cubic yard
and adequate mobility to enable loading excess dirt directly into the vessel which will be
removing it from the property. For this, a dump truck will speed the job along as well.
The excavator, regardless of his experience level, should be sure to study the pool drawings in
detail before starting the excavation.
Phillips & Large Slot Screwdriver
Carpenter's level, Shot stick, and Water Level
or Transit Level
Shovels (2 minimum)
Commercial Shop Vac with hose or Liner
Socket set, adjustable wrench, open-end
wrench, & 18" Pipe Wrench Channellock
Drills and assorted bits
Spray Paint
Duct Tape
Tape Measure
Extension Cords
Trowels; steel and magnesium
Hacksaw, Hole Saw Set, & Jig Saw
Utility Knife
Mason's String/Line, and C-Clamps
Water source with garden hose and nozzle
Pick, Mattock and Sledge hammers; 3lb. and
Set the exact requirements of the job you are requesting. You will want to communicate
with your contractor the exact route for access to the excavation site and where the excess
dirt is to be disposed of. You may wish to incorporate performance requirements and pool
construction plans into a contract to avoid any misunderstandings later.