Locate the sides of the hopper pad by stretching parallel
strings from the break point to the end wall. At the same time,
locate the front and back of the hopper pad by stretching
strings between the sidewalls of the pool.
Find the finish grade by dropping a plumb bob at the
intersection of the strings to the depth shown on your Dig Spec.
Drive a stake into each corner of the hopper beneath the plumb
line and string a level line between stakes at the required depth
to indicate the exact position and finish grade of the hopper.
Once you have located the hopper pad, use stakes and
strings in the same manner to mark the finish grade of the
hopper walls, as shown on your Dig Spec.
In each corner of the shallow end, measure the required depth
from the top of the panels to the pool bottom and place a
marker. String a level line between markers to indicate the
finish grade of the bottom. This will be outlined further in the
next section.
When the finish grade has been established, remove at least
2" of earth from below the strings. Tamp the entire area
thoroughly and take away all stones, twigs and rocks. This will be
outlined in the next section.