A 5-cubic foot or 9 cubic foot paddle type (mortar) mixer is recommended.
Add 10 gallons of water into mixer first (actual amount of water needed can vary). Use a
55-gallon drum if needed as reservoir and 5-gallon bucket to pour measured water into
Next add 47 lbs. (½ - 94 lb. bag) of Portland type I or type III cement (With larger mixers
itis possible to mix 20 gallons water with 1 - 94 lb. bag of Portland.) Mix well.
Next add 1 bag vermiculite. (2 bags with 20 gallons mix) Do not over mix. Run mixer 20
to 60 seconds to avoid clumping.
Transfer into a wheelbarrow or plastic buckets for transport to the pool.
A 5-cubic foot or 9 cubic foot paddle type (mortar) mixer is recommended.
Add 5-6 gallons of water into the mixer first (actual amount needed can vary). Use a 55-
gallon drum if needed as reservoir and 5-gallon bucket to pour measured water into
Next add 1 bag of premix. Do not over mix. Run mixer until mixture is damp and
Transfer into a wheelbarrow or plastic buckets for transport to the pool.
Pool bottom finishing can be done by progressing either from shallow to deep end or deep to
shallow end. Finishing in the shallow end is much easier, however if you choose to finish from
shallow to deep end, the work crew must be able to exit and enter the pool without disturbing
the finished areas. For the purpose, a wooden extension ladder with a 16' X 36' board nailed to
the bottom should be set on deep end floor. This will enable the work crew to climb out of the
pool without disturbing the finished bottom.
Mix can be conveyed from the mixer to pool bottom by 5-gallon buckets. An optional method is
to transfer mixture from the mixer to a wheelbarrow. Then use a 2 X 10 ramp to pour mixture
over the pool wall directly into the pool bottom however care must be used to minimize
splatter. The crew can use a flat shovel for final placement.