The deck is ready to be formed using 4" X 8' strips of ¼" Masonite for curved decks or regular 2
X 4's for straight decks. Be sure to keep the same distance around perimeter of pool for a neat
job. Form deck at least 3'-4' wide around the pool and 6'- 8' around diving board and step
areas. Screed backfill inside the forms to maintain constant depth of 3½ - 4" maximum, while
maintaining elevation of the form. Staking needs to only hold the form in place about every 3'.
Backfill dirt against the form for additional rigidity. The top of the form should be 1” below the
top of the coping for a 4' wide deck thus giving a fall of ¼" per foot.
IMPORTANT! Be sure to
mount safety rope
anchors and coping clips
before pouring the deck.
Make sure the back side
of rope anchors are
exposed to allow concrete
to bond to them.