2015-2017 5.0L Mustang Phase 1/2 RHD ROUSHcharger Kit
1316-RHD-AA 12152016
LTR outlet hose (1315-8D030)
7. Reinstall the hose onto the LTR outlet, and
recheck the hose fi t. Adjust as necessary until the
hose passes through the close-out panel without
being kinked.
8. Once a proper fi t is obtained, ensure the close-out
panel is secure in place.
9. Install the LTR outlet hose through the close-out
panel to the intake manifold.
10. Install the hose onto the LTR outlet and secure it
with the clamp (CT19X12) from Hardware Kit G
11. Install the hose onto the intake manifold inlet
and secure it with the clamp (CT19X12) from
Hardware Kit G (1315-TVSHKG).