equipment manufactured by Roundup food equipment Division of a.J. antunes & co. has been constructed of
the finest materials available and manufactured to high quality standards. these units are warranted to be free
from electrical and mechanical defects for a period of one (1) year from date of purchase under normal use and
service, and when installed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. to insure continued opera-
tion of the units, follow the maintenance procedures outlined in the Owner’s Manual. During the first 12 months,
electro-mechanical parts, non-overtime labor, and travel expenses up to 2 hours (100 miles/160 km), round trip
from the nearest authorized service center are covered.
1. this warranty does not cover cost of installation, defects caused by improper storage or handling prior to plac-
ing of the equipment. this warranty does not cover overtime charges or work done by unauthorized service
agencies or personnel. this warranty does not cover normal maintenance, calibration, or regular adjustments
as specified in operating and maintenance instructions of this manual, and/or labor involved in moving adjacent
objects to gain access to the equipment. this warranty does not cover consumable/wear items. this warranty
does not cover damage to the Load cell or Load cell assembly due to abuse, misuse, dropping of unit/shock
loads or exceeding maximum weight capacity (4 lbs). this warranty does not cover water contamination prob-
lems such as foreign material in water lines or inside solenoid valves. it does not cover water pressure problems
or failures resulting from improper/incorrect voltage supply. this warranty does not cover travel time & Mileage
in excess of 2 hours (100 miles/160 km) round trip from the nearest authorized service agency.
2. Roundup reserves the right to make changes in design or add any improvements on any product. the right
is always reserved to modify equipment because of factors beyond our control and government regulations.
changes to update equipment do not constitute a warranty charge.
3. if shipment is damaged in transit, the purchaser should make a claim directly upon the carrier. careful inspection
should be made of the shipment as soon as it arrives and visible damage should be noted upon the carrier’s receipt.
Damage should be reported to the carrier. this damage is not covered under this warranty.
4. Warranty charges do not include freight or foreign, excise, municipal or other sales or use taxes. all such freight
and taxes are the responsibility of the purchaser.
5. tHis WaRRaNtY is excLusiVe aND is iN Lieu Of aLL OtHeR WaRRaNties, exPResseD OR iMPLieD,
iNcLuDiNg aNY iMPLieD WaRRaNtY OR MeRcHaNtaBiLitY OR fitNess fOR a PaRticuLaR PuR-
POse, eacH Of WHicH is HeReBY exPRessLY DiscLaiMeD. tHe ReMeDies DescRiBeD aBOVe
aRe excLusiVe aND iN NO eVeNt sHaLL ROuNDuP Be LiaBLe fOR sPeciaL cONsequeNtiaL OR
iNciDeNtaL DaMages fOR tHe BReacH OR DeLaY iN PeRfORMaNce Of tHis WaRRaNtY.