2018 04 20
Tools to have available:
• Hexagonal socket wrench.
• Torque wrench.
• Combination wrenches.
• Plastic mallet.
• Collection vessel.
Tension pin
Rear shank lock
Be aware of the environment; make sure
no hydraulic oil leaks out.
Exercise caution when replacing hydraulic
components; use a collection vessel.
Grapple module removal
1. Rest the Rototilt
flat against the ground.
Run the grapple arms out to the open position
and then switch off the base machine.
Disconnect the hydraulic hoses between
the base machine and the Rototilt
2. Removes the four attachment bolts from
the grapple frame. Allow the bolts to remain.
3. Remove the hydraulic hoses between the
grapple module and the quick coupler.
4. Remove the four bolts fully, carefully tap the
back of the cylinder protection while pulling
the grapple module and a quick coupler apart.
5. On some models it is necessary to remove
the rear shank locks before it is possible to
pull them apart.
On the AG/RG series, it is necessary to remove
the rear stay before the grapple module is
removed from the quick coupler.
6. Install the plate, adapter and cover for the
hydraulic hoses and plunder the connections.
7. If the tension pins are still in the quick coupler,
remove them with the aid of pliers.
Then fasten the protection plates. Ideally,
stow the tension pins in the grapple module
attachment holes (to be ready for grapple
module reinstallation).