= Read the operating Manual
This multimeter complies with IEC-1010 and overvoltage category III. All
safety and operating instructions must be read, understood and followed
in order to ensure your safety and to keep the device in good condition.
The following general and machine-specific safety instructions must be
adhered to at all times when the device is used:
1. Never touch live parts and never touch the probes or the test leads when
performing a measurement.
2. Before performing a measurement,
make certain that the measurement value
you expect does not exceed the selected range or the device’s maximum range.
3. Remove all live parts from the area where the measurement will take place.
4. Always disconnect circuit power before performing resistance
5. Handle the probes using only the plastic handles.
Never touch the metallic
parts as this is potentially fatal.
6. Ensure that the device is switched off and disconnect the test leads from any
potentially live circuits before opening the device's casing.
7. Protect the multimeter from dust, dirt and moisture to prevent
damage and the
risk of flashover.
8. It is possible to create a short-circuit through incorrect use of the probes.
If a
short circuit occurs dangerously high currents can be produced.
9. Measurements may only be carried out by a competent person.
10. Disconnect the multimeter from the measurement circuit
before altering the
selected range using the mode selector dial.
11. If the device appears to be faulty have it examined by a competent person.
See also the sections on changing the battery and fuse.
General Safety Instructions
Caution: Contact with the voltages and currents that can be measured
with this multimeter can be fatal. It is vital that you avoid contact with
live parts.
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