Controller functions
Version 1
Page 25
External grounding is not allowed. If this warning is ignored, the controller will be damaged by frame
For the terminals of the external temperature meter touch voltage protection must be installed.
If an alarm is signaled, the analog output at terminals 14+15 is used to display a selective error message
section 6.12 "Error messages" on page 34).
Automatic zero calibration (AUTOCAL)
Because of the automatic zero calibration (AUTOCAL) function, there is no need to adjust the zero point manually
on the controller. This function matches the controller to the current and voltage signals that are present in the
system. The zero point is calibrated in the factory to the initial temperature (ambient temperature, 20°C).
You should always wait for the heatsealing band and the bar to cool down (to ambient temperature)
before activating the AUTOCAL function.
Variable initial temperature:
On controllers manufactured as of April 2005, the initial temperature for the "AUTOCAL" function can be set in the
0…+40°C range in the visualization software (
section 6.10 "Diagnostic interface/visualization software (as of
October 2005)" on page 32). This setting is remembered if the controller is switched off and then on again.
As of SW Revision 107, the "External calibration temperature" setting can also be selected in the visualization soft-
ware. The initial temperature for this setting can be specified in the +3…+40°C range via the set point potentiom-
eter (terminals 16+17;
section 6.2 "Temperature setting (set point selection)" on page 22). The value selected
at the set point potentiometer must be present when the "AUTOCAL" function is activated.
If the specified value is too high (greater than 40°C) or if the selected value varies, an error message appears
(error codes 115 and 116;
section 6.12 "Error messages" on page 34).
RES- 403
max. 6mA