by Rondish
Nexus is a wireless call system designed for various applications including nurse and emergency call,
assisted living, elderly care homes, rapid deploy for hospitals, and bathroom alarms. The system
integrates emergency alarm call, wander prevention, bed alarms for fall management, and mobile calling
devices for residents to wear on their wrist or around the neck.
A tablet allows up to three calls to be displayed at a time, with higher priority calls automatically moved
to the top of the alarm display. Priority levels include Call (lowest), Bath/Bed/Door, Emergency, and Code
Blue (highest). If more than three calls happen to be active at the same time, the three highest priority
events will be shown; and lower priority calls will display as events are reset, or can be seen by scrolling
down the alarm screen. All events are logged with a record of event location, call type, time of trigger
and duration.
Optional Over-Door lights show Call, Bath or Emergency status. Each light has an internal buzzer with
adjustable volume, and can repeat the signal to greatly extend range and improve the reliability of
wireless coverage.
Nexus is supervised for lost connections, fault or battery low; and a software watchdog will restart the
application in the event of a system crash. A junction controller box goes even further and includes a
hardware watchdog as the ultimate safety feature (available for Nexus 2.3.0 and higher).
Messaging options include remote monitor displays large or small, mobile phones and pagers.