Bedienungs- und Warnhinweise für Infrarotheizpaneele
Advice on operation and warnings for infrared heating panels
The infrared heating works differently to a normal heating system. It does not produce warm air but rather
heats all objects in the radiation area of the heating. The floor, the wall, the furniture and people and animals
are warmed by the infrared radiation. The infrared radiation penetrates matter much deeper than warm air.
Almost 100 % of the heat that is taken up by the floor, wall and furniture is released later bit by bit into the
room. A normal heating system looses the heat straight away when airing the room and a lot of energy is
required to reheat the room to the desired temperature again.
This means, however, that the infrared heating initially needs about 24 hours to heat up a room. But you
already will feel the infrared heat in the radiation area about 5 - 10 minutes after switching the unit on. This
area is to about 3 m in front of the panel.
As a result, you can also use the infrared heating as an additional heat source.
As long as you are in the radiation area of the heating, you will not feel cold, even in a cold room!
By utilising radiation heat, the RÖMER infrared heating is also ideal for heating garages,
hobby rooms etc.
If you would like to use the infrared heating as a stand-alone heating system, we STRONGLY recommend
controlling the heating panels using a thermostat. You can use any commercial thermostat for electric hea-
ting. (Best would be one with different programmes and temperature drop for the night). Set the preferred
room temperature at the thermostat and leave it to do its work. The first 24 hours the heating is possibly on
permanently, until all the walls, the floor and the furniture have reached the desired room temperature. From
then on the heating will switch off via the thermostat more and more often and only switch on if the room
temperature drops below the desired temperature. In the long run you will use too much energy without a
thermostat and you will not reach the desired room temperature. The thermostat at the same time prevents
the temperature from dropping too far during the night. If the temperature drops too far during the night, too
much energy has to be used to reheat the room again.