9. Take the TM XL‑Shaft Nose (or TM XL‑PVC
Pilot) and examine the Retention Pin System.
It should require firm pressure to depress the
Pin, and the Pin should snap back into place
smoothly. If the Pin is sticking, disassemble,
and clean the Hole, Pin and Spring. Reas‑
semble, and re‑examine to ensure the Pin is
functioning properly.
Use 14"‑16" or 18"‑24" TM XL‑Shaft Nose (or
TM XL‑PVC Pilot) based on tap size.
Check to see that the Spade Bit is sharp and
that it is held securely in the slot. If the Spade
Bit is chipped or damaged, it should be
replaced. For PVC Pilots, check that the teeth
are sharp. If the teeth are chipped or damaged,
it should be replaced.
10. Notice that the threaded ends on the TM‑
XL Shaft Nose (and the TM‑XL PVC Pilot)
are interrupted by a smooth area. When the
TM‑Shaft Nose (or TM‑XL PVC Pilot) is thread‑
ed all the way onto the Large Shaft Head,
this smooth area will line up with the two Set
Screw Holes located in the Large Shaft Head.
Thread Set Screw into place and tighten with
an 1/8" Allen Wrench
(see fig. 27)
locking the
Shaft Nose or PVC Pilot into place.
TM XL Shaft Nose
TAPMATE XL-424 SET-UP FOR 14"-24" TAPS (cont.)
fig. 26
fig. 27