10. Thread the TM Shaft Nose or TM PVC Pilot (depending on the material of pipe you
are tapping) into the end of the Shaft and tighten until the shank of the TM Shaft
Nose or the TM PVC Pilot is flush against the face of the Shaft. Due to the longer
body length of the 10 and 12 inch shell cutters, a Pilot Drill Extension must be at‑
tached between the Shaft and the Shaft Nose (or PVC Pilot) and tightened into place
for these size taps. See drawings (below) for Shaft Nose configurations.
11. Now slip the Shell Cutter over the TM Shaft Nose or TM PVC Pilot and thread it onto
the Shaft until it is snug against the Jam Nut .
12. Retract the Shell Cutter into the Adapter Bell by rotating the Brake Tube in a count‑
er‑clockwise direction. The Brake Tube will stop rotating when it shows “zero” (or a
little beyond) on the Thrust Tube. Locate the Set Screw hole in the Brake Tube back
over the scale in the Thrust Tube and re‑attach the Brake Tube Locking Handle. The
Brake Tube Locking Handle may damage the Thrust Tube threads if it isn't located
over the scale.
13. Check that the Lead Nut is sitting at “zero” on the Lead Tube.
Shaft Nose configuration for 10" - 12" cuts
TM Shaft Nose
XL Shaft
TM Jam Nut
TM Pilot Drill
Shaft Nose configuration for 4" - 8" cuts
TM Shaft Nose
XL Shaft
TM Jam Nut
fig. 18
fig. 19