Instructions Handbook 1179.2948.02 ─ 01
Products from the Rohde
Schwarz group of companies are manufactured in accord-
ance with the highest technical standards. Follow the instructions provided throughout
this handbook. Keep the product documentation nearby and offer it to other users.
Use the chamber only for its intended use and within its performance limits, as descri-
bed in
on page 10 and in the data sheet. Reconfigure
or adjust the chamber only as described in the product documentation. Other modifica-
tions or additions can affect the safety and are not permitted.
For safety reasons, only trained personnel are allowed to handle the chamber. Trained
personnel are familiar with the safety measures and know how to avoid potentially dan-
gerous situations while performing the assigned tasks.
If any part of the chamber is damaged or broken, stop using the chamber. Only service
personnel authorized by Rohde
Schwarz are allowed to repair the chamber. Contact
Potentially Dangerous Situations
............................................................................ 11
Warning Messages in This Handbook
.................................................................... 13
Intended Use
The chamber is intended for radiation testing of electronic components and devices in
industrial, administrative, and laboratory environments, see
on page 24. Use the chamber only for its designated purpose, as
described in this handbook. Observe the operating conditions and performance limits
stated in the data sheet. If you are unsure about the appropriate use, contact
Schwarz customer support.
Residual Risks
Despite the inherent safe design measures, safeguarding and complementary protec-
tive measures adopted, residual risks remain because of the following facts.
Chamber is heavy
The weight of the chamber without accessories and antenna cage is approximately
kg. In total, the chamber can weigh up to roughly 45
kg. If the chamber drops on a
person, it can cause severe injuries, even death.
If the chamber is mounted in a rack on rails, the center of gravity moves with the cham-
ber when you slide it out of the rack. If the rack topples, it can cause severe injuries,
even death.
Residual Risks