DVB configuration and settings
User Manual 1175.6778.02 ─ 19
For "DVB Standard > DVB-S2X", includes the VL-SNR (very low - signal to noise ratio)
header in the physical layer frame.
Remote command:
Option: R&S
Selects whether constant coding and modulation (CCM) or adaptive coding and modu-
lation (ACM) communication is used.
In ACM mode, for instance, the receiver sends feedback information on received signal
quality. Depending on this feedback, the channel coding and modulation is optimized
on a frame-by-frame basis.
Remote command:
Number of Super Frames
Requires "DVB Standard > DVB-H/T".
Sets the number of super frames. Each super frame consists of four OFDM frames.
Remote command:
Number of Frames
Option: R&S
For "DVB Standard > DVB-S2/S2X", sets the number of the transmitted frames.
Remote command:
Number of Samples / Duration
Requires "DVB Standard > DVB-H/T" and "State > On".
Displays the number of the transmitted samples and the signal duration.
Remote command:
Sample Rate / Data Rate
Requires "DVB Standard > DVB-H/T" and "State > On".
Displays the sample rate and data rate.
Remote command:
Filter/Clipping Settings
Accesses the dialog for setting baseband filtering and clipping, see
General settings