MCT88M-IO Operating Manual.doc
Low level configuration (RogerVDM)
The purpose of low level configuration is to prepare device for operation in RACS 5 system. In order to start
the configuration, connect the terminal to RUD-1 interface (fig. 18) and start RogerVDM software.
Fig. 18 Connection to RUD-1 interface.
Programming procedure with RogerVDM software:
1. Place jumper on MEM contacts (fig. 15).
2. Connect the device to RUD-1 interface according to fig. 18 and connect RUD-
1 to computer’s USB port.
The terminal will display CONFIG MODE text and orange LED SYSTEM will pulsate.
3. Start RogerVDM program, select
firmware version,
communication channel
and serial port with RUD-1 interface.
4. Click
the program will establish connection and will automatically display
5. Select RS485 communication interface and specify unoccupied RS485 address in range of 100-115 or
select Ethernet communication interface and specify IP address. Configure other low level configuration
parameters as needed e.g. NC input type for IN1 input as for diagram in fig 17.
6. Click
Send to Device
to update the configuration of device.
7. Optionally make a backup by clicking
Send to File…
and saving settings to file on disk.
8. Remove jumper from MEM contacts and disconnect device from RUD-1 interface.
Note: If the USB port does not offer enough current then supply the terminal from external 12VDC PSU min.
200mA power output.
Note: Do not read any cards nor press reader keypad when reader is configured with RogerVDM.
Table 4. List of low level parameters
Communication settings
Communication interface
Parameter defines communication method of device with controller.
Range: RS485, Ethernet. Default value: RS485.
IP address
Device IP address.
Subnet mask
Subnet mask.