Rockwell Automation Publication 20P-TD001K-EN-P - January 2021
PowerFlex DC Drive and Field Controller Technical Data
Communication Tools
The PowerFlex DC drive and field controller provide common communication tools that are familiar and easy to use, including the LCD
Human Interface Module (HIM) and PC-based configuration tools.
• The LCD HIM provides:
- Large and easy to read 7 line x 21 character, backlit display
- Alternate function keys for shortcuts to common tasks
- ‘Calculator-like’ number pad for fast and easy data entry (full numeric version only)
- Control keys for local start, stop, speed, and direction
- Remote versions for panel mount applications
• PC-based configuration tools include:
- Connected Components Workbench™ (CCW) software v2.0. This software leverages proven Rockwell Automation and Microsoft®
Visual Studio® technologies for drive configuration and programming. CCW software can be downloaded for free from
- DriveTools™ SP (v4.01 or higher is required with a PowerFlex DC drive specific software patch. The patch can be downloaded from
. A suite of software tools that provide an intuitive way to program, troubleshoot, and maintain Allen-Bradley drives,
including the PowerFlex DC Drive Startup Wizard.
• Internal communications allow you to integrate the drive and/or field controller into the manufacturing process. Status indicators for
all internal communication options are visible on the cover for easy setup and monitoring of drive communications. You can easily
manage information from ‘shop floor to top floor’ and seamlessly integrate a complete system as you control, configure, and collect
The PowerFlex DC Field Controller
The PowerFlex DC Field Controller provides three-phase, four quadrant (reversing) DC motor or generator field control. The PowerFlex DC
Field Controller can be used for standalone DC motor field control applications, or with a PowerFlex DC Digital drive or PowerFlex DC
Standalone Regulator (SAR). A fiber-optic interface option module, or digital and analog I/O, provides transmission of the reference,
feedback, and status signals between the drive or regulator and the field controller.
In the standalone mode, the PowerFlex DC Field Controller provides power to a DC motor field with a fixed reference by using fixed I/O. The
PowerFlex DC Field Controller can also be used to supply various DC non-motor loads (highly inductive loads). These DC non-motor loads
include galvanic applications, electromagnets, synchronous motor excitation circuits, and others.
A PowerFlex DC field controller is a cost-effective way to modernize DC motor controls while using/re-purposing existing equipment.
Controller Features
Programming flexibility
allows parameters to be linked within the device.
Field-flashable firmware
through DPI interface.
Reversing field supply
standard on all frames.
Control non-motor inductive loads
, such as electromagnets