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Speed Measurement Module
(17mm projectile)
RFID Interaction Module
VTM Transmitter
VTM Receiver
Speed Measurement Module
(42mm projectile)
RFID Interaction Module test card
3. Speed Measurement Module: detects a robot's projectile launching speed and rate. This includes the Speed Measurement Module
(17mm projectiles) and the Speed Measurement Module (42mm projectiles).
4. RFID Interaction Module: used by the Robot Side to interact with the battlefield. Part of a robot's HP can be replenished by using
an RFID Interaction Module Regeneration Card.
5. Camera Transmission Module: provides the user with a first-person perspective. This includes the VTM Transmitter and the VTM
Receiver. The VTM Transmitter is mounted on the Robot Side, while the VTM Receiver is mounted on the Client.
6. Localization Module: provides the user with real-time mini-map data and provides the robot with coordinate information.
Localization Module