P14.6 Err (Prism 14.6° Error )
The messages will appear after the reset of the prism 14.6° if this prism is not located in the default position.
P14.6R Err (Prism 14,6° Rotation Error )
The messages will appear after the reset of the prism 14.6° if this prism is not located in the default position.
P16 Err (Prism 16 Error )
The messages will appear after the reset of the prism 16 if this prism is not located in the default position.
P16R Err (Prism 16° Rotation Error )
The messages will appear after the reset of the prism 16° if this prism is not located in the default position.
AirFi Err (Air Filters Error)
his message informs you that the menu item remaining time ("R Ti ") in the menu "Information" is at 0 value.
Clean air filters in the fixture head and reset this counter.
Fan1 Err
The turbine which cools a top of the lamp is faulty. The lamp has been switched off.
Fan2 Err
The fan above lamp in the fixture head is faulty. The lamp has been switched off.
Fan3 Err
The fan above lamp in the fixture head is faulty. The lamp has been switched off.
Fan4 Err
The small fan in front of the lamp driver is faulty. The lamp has been switched off.
Location of fans: