4. Remotely controllable functions
The Robin miniPointe is to be operated with a OSRAM SIRIUS HRI 140W RO lamp. The OSRAM SIRIUS HRI
140W RO with its focusing dichroic reflector is highly efficient and optimized for wide range of light applications
Colour wheel
This wheel contains 13 replaceable dichroic f open.The colour wheel can be positioned between two
adjacent colours in any position. It is also possible to rotate the colour wheel continuously at different speeds
("Rainbow effect“ in both directions).
Static gobo wheel
The static gobo wheel includes 10 metal gobos and 3 beam reducers. Gobo positioning and gobo wheel rotation
is available as well as a gobo-shake function.
Two rotaing prisms: 14.6° and 16°.
Dynamic Flower Effect creates spectacular beam effects in the air which can change shape, size and speed
of rotation.
Frost module provides variable frost for fine frosting.
Motorized focus allowes to focus beam from approx. 4 metres to infinity.
Dimmer/Shutter unit
Smooth 0 - 100 % dimming is provided by the mechanical dimmer /shutter unit. This unit is also used for strobe
effects with variable speed.
Fast pan and tilt movement, pan movement range: 540°, tilt movement range 270°.