Robin CycBar 15
6. Control menu
The Robin CycBar 15 is equipped with 4-segment LED display which allows to set the fixture´s behaviour according
to your needs, obtain information on its operation, control various range of effects and lastly program it, if it has to
be used in a stand-alone mode.
The four control buttons have the following functions:
ESCAPE button-leaves menu without saving changes.
ENTER button- enters menu, confirms adjusted values and leaves menu.
UP and - DOWN buttons - move between menu items on the same level, sets values.
After switching the fixture on, display shows current DMX address
6.1 Fixture Address
Use this menu to set the DMX address of the.
DMX addressing
. Select this submenu to set a DMX start address.
To set a DMX address.
Use UP/DOWN buttons to find “ A001“ menu.
Press the ENTER button.
Use the UP/DOWN buttons to select desired start address.
Press the ENTER button to confirm the choice.
Note: After switching on, the CycBar 15will automatically detect whether DMX 512 data is received or not.
If there is no data received at the DMX input, the display will start to flash with actually set address.
DMX preset
. Select this menu item to set a desired DMX mode. Please refer to the chapter "DMX
protocol" for detail description of each DMX mode.
Mod 1
- 16 control channels
Mod 2
- 11 control channels
Mod 3
- 61 control channels
Mod 4
- 76 control channels
Mod 5
- 47 control channels
6.2 Fixture information
Use this menu to read useful information about the fixture status.
To display desired information.
1. Use the UP/DOWN buttons to find the “ InFo“ menu.
2. Press the ENTER button.
3. Use the UP/DOWN buttons to select the required menu item.
4. Press the ENTER button to confirm the choice.
Power On Time.
Use the menu item to read the number of operation hours for each LEDs operating
- the function shows the total number of the operation hours since the CycBar 15 has been fabricated.
- the function shows the number of the operation hours since the counter was last reset.