frequently monitor your journey by ‘speaking’ with the Bike Trac servers at very short intervals. This means
that when you get back home you can log onto your secure online Bike Trac portal and view breadcrumb
trails of exactly where you have been (dots representing each time your Bike Trac unit communicated with
the Bike Trac computer servers - which is set to every 60 seconds).
You can also generate reports on how many miles you have travelled and (approximate) speeds. Please
note that the speed history can be turned off and never recorded.
Secure Operating Centre (S.O.C)
The Secure Operating Centre is a team working around the clock in readiness to respond to any alerts to
stolen bikes. As well as an alert being sent to you and your chosen contacts if a theft occurs, the Secure
Operating Centre will also receive an alert and contact you to confirm that your bike has been stolen. After
you have acquired a Crime Reference Number, or Incident Report Number from the Police, the call centre
will then contact the Police to initiate a search and recovery. The contact number for the SOC is 0845