Setting Basic Operational Parameters in the Config Menu • 56
5 . Press the desired language. There is no confirmation necessary for a
language change and the SDM-6000’s language will immediately change. The
Language screen will not go away until you press the return button so if you
accidentally change the language, you can change it back right away.
6 . Press the return button to return to the Configuration Menu.
If Password is set to on, a password will be required to enter the Configuration Menu.
If Password is set to off (factory setting), no password is required to enter the
Configuration Menu. Do the following to turn Password on or off.
1 . Turn on the SDM-6000. The Function Tab’s main menu will be displayed.
2 . Press the Config button. If Password is already set to on (factory setting is off),
you will be prompted for a password. Enter the password and press OK to