During the working, inside the cooker happens
a combustive reaction of combustible (the wood
inserted in the combustion chamber) and burn-
ing (the oxygen present in the air of the room in
which the cooker is placed). The wood fired cooker
makes an intermittent combustion: after the light-
ing, the combustion goes on till the exhaustion of
the combustible but it can be maintained lighted
by making another load of combustible and so on.
The maintenance of the combustion in time is
guaranteed by the correct working of the chimney,
which allows to evacuate the fumes and in the
same time to feed the flame with comburent air.
In this way, the features of the chimney have a big
influence on the correct working of the cooker.
The combustion of wood requests that the air flow
inside the combustion chamber happens in differ-
ent points to obtain the maximum efficiency. In
particular, it is present a primary air feeding that
flows in the lower part of the combustion chamber
by the grill, and one or more secondary air feed-
ings that flow in the upper part of the combustion
The primary air is the main air and regulates the
combustion speed. The secondary air allows the
post-combustion of the fumes, generating further
heating, knocking down the amount of harmful
gas and so improving both the rendering and the
impact on the environment. Once started the com-
bustion it cannot be interrupted in a safe way: it
must be always faded out naturally with the ex-
haustion of all the combustible inserted.
To allow an easier lighting of the cooker with cold
chimney, wood fired cookers are endowed with
starting key governed by a rod: if you extract this
rod, the key opens. The opening of the key cre-
ates a direct connection between the combustion
chamber and the chimney, in order to obtain a
WARNING! For the correct working of the wood fired cooker verify that the passage of
comburent air is not obstructed or, in case of connection with external air intake, that the
air aspiration grill is not obstructed.
Picture 24 - Starting key. With lever outside, the key is open and the starting is easier; with lever inside the key
is closed for the normal working.