Steelhead Appliance Installation and Configuration Guide
Product Dependencies and Compatibility
Document Conventions
This manual uses the following standard set of typographical conventions to introduce new terms, illustrate
screen displays, describe command syntax, and so forth.
Product Dependencies and Compatibility
This section provides information about product dependencies and compatibility. It includes the following
“Hardware and Software Dependencies” on page 3
“Virtual Services Platform (VSP) Support” on page 3
“Ethernet Network Compatibility” on page 4
“SNMP-Based Management Compatibility” on page 4
“Antivirus Compatibility” on page 4
Within text, new terms and emphasized words appear in italic typeface.
Within text, CLI commands and GUI controls appear in bold typeface.
Code examples appear in Courier font:
amnesiac > enable
amnesiac # configure terminal
< >
Values that you specify appear in angle brackets:
interface <ipaddress>
[ ]
Optional keywords or variables appear in brackets:
ntp peer <addr> [version <number>]
{ }
Required keywords or variables appear in braces:
{delete <filename> | upload <filename>}
The pipe symbol represents a choice between the keyword or variable to the left or right of
the symbol (the keyword or variable can be either optional or required):
{delete <filename> | upload <filename>}