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9. Next Steps
Steelhead Mobile is designed to be deployed to your Mobile Clients without additional configuration. It
ships with default acceleration and endpoint policies that provide default values for the MSI package which
is deployed to the Mobile Clients in your network.
Typically, you install and deploy Steelhead Mobile without modifying the default policies that ship with the
product. Consider deploying Steelhead Mobile to your Mobile Clients using the default policies provided,
and modifying them only if necessary.
If you have chosen to use the default MSI package, in the Manage Endpoints - Packages page, click the
URL for the Default MSI Package and save it to your local machine.
Using the deployment tool of your choice (for example, Microsoft SMS) deploy the default MSI
package to the Mobile Clients in your network.
Verify Mobile Client connections and optimization in the Managed Endpoints report of the Mobile
You can modify the default endpoint policies and acceleration policies that make up the default MSI package.
For details about modifying default policies, see the
Steelhead Mobile Controller User’s Guide
.Guía rápida de instalación
de la Mobile Controller
Instalación y despliegue de Steelhead Mobile
Esta sección describe cómo instalar, configurar y desplegar el Steelhead Mobile. Para obtener más
información, consulte el
Documentation Set CD
Descripción general
Steelhead Mobile permite optimizar el tráfico TCP de usuarios distantes que utilizan la red mediante algún
tipo de acceso remoto (por ejemplo, acceso telefónico, banda ancha o inalámbrico). El despliegue de
Steelhead Mobile consta de los siguientes componentes: Mobile Controller, Mobile Client y Steelhead