Ember Installation Guide: 12890-B 02-18
Ember Installation Guide: 12890-B 02-18
Log set installation
The log set is packaged separately and consists of five log pieces. Use extreme care
when handling the logs, they are made from fragile material and will damage easily.
While the log set for the Ember 600 and 700 are different (Ember 600 is smaller),
the installation steps are the same—the 700 has been used in these instructions.
Ember 600
Ember 700
Before adding the log set make sure the vermiculite and glass packets have been added into the
burn media tray (refer previous page), and that it has been secured back in place. All the logs
have locating pins making it possible to only fit one way onto the burner.
Step 1: Back log
Place the back log onto the two log location brackets at the back of the burner. The charred side
faces to the front.
Step 2: Adding the granules and rockwool
Place, DO NOT POUR, the granules, ensuring even coverage around the burner ports (so as not to
cause blockages). For the 700 you will need both granule packs, for the 600 it’s about a bag and
three quarters. Pinch and roll the rockwool into pea-sized balls (600 ≈ 35, 700 ≈ 50) and place in-
between the granules. These can go over the burner ports as the material is designed for the flame
to penetrate through the ceramic fibres to enhance the flame picture and produce a glow effect
Step 3: Front log
Add the front log onto the two log locating pins inside the grill. It should sit securely into the gap.
Step 4: Top three logs
Add the three top logs onto the locating pins of the back and front logs—refer photos on
previous page. Underneath each log is a hole (front position) and a slot (back position).