OP-P1/MF1 Training
Slide 114
What Happens when an Error Occurs? - 2
The printer models have no panel display. When an error occurs, only the
alert lamp lights [1].
The 3-in-1 models have a 2-segment display [1]. A letter-number code is
used. For example, "C6" means "SC101“ (see the SC tables in the service
manual). The alert lamp [2] also lights when an error occurs.
The 4-in-1 models have a 7-segment display (1), so the full SC number
"SC101" can be shown on the display. When an error occurs, the alert
lamp (2) lights and the fax speaker will sound an alert.
For all models, the Smart Organizing Monitor can be used to display the
most recent SC codes in the Error History box of the Service Mode
Printer model
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