Booklet Stapling and Folding Mechanisms
Booklet Stapler
[A]: Feed Out Belt Pawl. Raises the stack to stapling position.
[B]: Booklet Stapler EH185R – Rear
[C]: Booklet Stapler EH185R – Front
Stack Junction Gate
[D]: Stack Junction Gate Motor. Drives a timing belt and stack junction gate cam.
[E]: Stack Junction Gate Cam. Opens and closes the stack junction gate.
[F]: Stack Junction Gate. The stack junction gate motor and stack junction gate cam close the stack junction
gate. The feed out belt pawl raises the stapled stack and sends it over the top and down to the fold unit.
[G]: Leading Edge Pressure Roller. Presses down on the leading edge of the stack after booklet stapling.
Booklet Stapling (B804 Only)