4. Referring to the diagram, determine if the skew is positive [A] or negative [B].
5. Measure the amount of skew.
6. Enter the SP mode
• Europe, Asia: Use SP6-134-001 (this is for A3 paper).
• North America: Use SP6-134-005 (this is for DLT paper).
7. Enter one-half the measured amount of skew. Example: If the measure amount of skew is -1.2 mm,
enter -0.6 mm
• The range for measurement is –3.0 mm to +3.0 mm in 0.2 mm steps for every notch adjustment.
8. Exit the SP mode and do the test again (steps 2 to 5).
9. Repeat this procedure until the skew is corrected.
The illustration below shows the effects of +/- adjustment with SP6113. (The vertical arrows show the
direction of paper feed.)
1. Replacement and Adjustment