RHE26/27 Installation & Startup Guide – Doc. No. – Ver. 1.40
Table 3: Important Analog Output Parameters
Full Name / Description
Current Output Configuration:
Assigns an output channel to the current output:
0 – Analog output is off.
1 – Analog output is configured for Mass Flow (default). → set [C/B04], [C/B05]
2 – Analog output is configured for Volumetric Flow. → set [C/B06], [C/B07]
3 – Analog output is configured for Density. → set [C/B08], [C/B09]
4 – Analog output is configured for Tube Temperature. → set [C/B10], [C/B11]
5 – Analog output is configured for Torsion Bar Temperature. → set [C/B12], [C/B13]
6 – Drive Gain. → set [C/B15], [C/B16]
Current Output Fire State:
Determines the behavior (“fail high” or “fail low”) and value of the analog output
when the measured variable range is exceeded (values 1 to 5), i.e. the measurement
is outside of (CurOutCurMax) and (CurOutCurMin), or an error condition exists in the
SoftError or ErrorStatus fields (values 6 to 10).
State 0 - Output tracks the signal and clamps at the CurOutMaxCur and
CurOutMinCur values when its range is exceeded (default).
State 1 - 22 mA = range exceeded
State 4 - 3.2 mA = range exceeded
State 5 - 3.6 mA = range exceeded
State 6 - 22 mA = error condition
State 9 - 3.2 mA = error condition
State 10 - 3.6 mA = error condition
Current Output Damping Tau:
Time constant (Tau) of the current output damping in seconds. An exponential
damping mechanism is used within a defined band, see CurOutDampingBand. When
the output values leave the defined band the damping is disabled. A value of 0.0
disables the damping.
Current Output Damping Band:
Defines the band range for the damping of the current output in percent of the range
between “Minimum mA” [C/B02] and “Maximum mA” [C/B03]. A value of 100 makes
sure that the values never leave the band and that the damping always is active.
Digital Output Configuration
Select “Pulse Output” 1 [R], 2 [S] or “Digital Output” 3 [J], 4 [I], A [K], B [L] and press
] to get to the “Configuration” [R/S01, I-L01] menu.
The pulse outputs can be assigned to a certain pulse rate from a measured value, e.g. the
mass flow rate.
The digital outputs [I-L] can be used to indicate status or error.
“Pulse Output” 1 [R] and/or 2 [S] must be disabled if the parameters “Digital Output”
A [K] and/or B [L] are assigned to universal digital/pulse outputs of RHE26/27
Select a configuration for the pulse output according to the options stated in Table 10
under ID [R/S01] or for the status output under ID [I-L01]