Mxxxx Series User’s Manual
Asia Pacific | EMEA | Americas
10.31 Configuration
– Rx Channels 1-20
Each of the Rx channels (Groups), displayed 20 per page, is configurable as illustrated in this Rx Channel page.
Chan No:
The system channel designator.
Channel ID:
A description for the channel. Up to 16 characters may be entered.
Allows channels to be affiliated with a network (i.e. “1” is Police Network, “2” is Fire Network), to an antenna system (“1” is Tx
Antenna #1, “2” is Tx Antenna #2), or to another label (i.e. “1” is 24x7 Maintenance, “2” is Normal Hours Maintenance) and this
label will appear in Alarm Messages to allow faster determination of response priority and or actions.
The NW ID column is only displayed if this feature is enabled in the
– User Data
This controls the scanning of the channel. If checked, the channel is included in the measurement cycle, otherwise it is not
included. This allows the channel to remain configured, but to be removed from the measurement cycle if desired (i.e. if the
channel has been disabled or temporarily removed).