Mxxxx Series User’s Manual
Asia Pacific | EMEA | Americas
If any of the unit's VCOs is experiencing lock failures, this alarm will activate.
A regular write/read test is performed on the SD-Card. If this test fails to complete successfully, this alarm will activate.
Internal Supply Rails:
If any of the unit's internal supply rail voltages goes out of limits, this alarm will activate.
Receive Systems Module:
If a RSM is connected to the ASM and any of it has an alarm state present, this alarm will activate.
Alarm Modules:
If any CAM or SAM units are connected to the ASM and any of their External Inputs has an alarm state present, this alarm will
This Receive Systems Module and Alarm Modules lines appear only if one or more (optional) Channel Alarm Module
Site Alarm Module (SAM) or Receive Systems Module (RSM) is installed. Up to ten (10) CAM/SAM units and one (1)
RSM unit may be fitted to each ASM as required.
Network IDs:
If any Network ID has a channel with an alarm state active assigned to it, this alarm will activate.
Alarm Relays:
Relay 1:
Displays the Alarm Source currently allocated to this relay output, and its status.
Relay 2:
Displays the Alarm Source currently allocated to this relay output, and its status.
Relay 3:
Displays the Alarm Source currently allocated to this relay output, and its status.
Relay 4:
Displays the Alarm Source currently allocated to this relay output, and its status.
Reloads the page, updating the status information.
The field behind an alarm is highlighted in colour to indicate its current status.
Green denotes ‘no alarm’, and Red denotes ‘alarm’.