15 |
P a g e
R F M O G U L 3 6 0 4 V i a T e r r a S t S a l t L a k e C i t y , U T 8 4 1 1 5
R e v 5 / 2 0
S a l e s : 8 0 1 - 8 9 5 - 3 3 9 2 s a l e s @ r f m o g u l . c o m
Turn on the ACU-2 Controller Power (Rocker Switch – illuminated) located on the front right
side of the controller. The LCD display should power on as shown below.
Open a Web Browser.
Enter the Controller IP Address.
The default is
. If you cannot access the
Antenna Controller using this IP Address you can find the current IP Address using the Menu
Functions from the Front Panel. (see LCD Menus below for more information)
If you still have problems connecting you can bypass the router/switch by using a LAN
Crossover cable and setting your computer Network to Once you are in the
Antenna Controller you will be able to change the controller IP Address in Network Settings.
System Status – default page when opened thru browser
The ACU2 Antenna Controller HTML pages will follow a similar format as shown above.