Post Credential 2
This field holds the keystrokes you need to have sent after the user’s ‘Credential 2’ is delivered. In the
context of a typically log-on application, you need to get the cursor into the password field by using a
TAB keystroke.
Card Gone Keystrokes
The Card Gone field holds keystrokes you would like to be delivered when the card is removed from
the pcProx Playback reader. A typical Card Gone keystroke sequence would be to lock a workstation.
Under Windows XP this is done by holding down ‘Ctrl-Alt’ and pressing ‘Del’, then pressing ‘K’.
Example B below will show how, using the Special Keystrokes section, this is placed into the Card
Gone field.
Clear Playback Keystrokes
This clears all keystroke held by the Playback reader.
Get Playback Keystrokes
This button cause the application to re-read the Playback reader and retrieve the keystrokes.
Save Playback Advanced
This saves all parameters on the Advanced screen to the attached Playback reader.
Chapter 3