Thank You!
Congratulations on the purchase of your pcProx
Playback and/or pcProx
Writer device(s).
RF IDeas hopes you enjoy using the readers as much as we enjoyed creating and developing them.
Configuration is easy, so you will be able to quickly take advantage of a more secure environment in
your business, school, or organization.
Please call our Sales department if you have any questions or are interested in our OEM and
Independent Developer’s programs.
We look forward to your comments and suggestions for our product line! Please go to
and follow the
Learning Center
link for more details about our
product line.
We are always discovering new applications for our product line(s). There are several software
developer’s licensing our technology so the solution you are looking for may already be developed.
Thank you,
The RF IDeas Staff
Need Assistance?
Ph: 847.870.1723
Fx: 847.483.1129