Options and Upgrades
MBES Scan Backscatter Sampling Snippets Backscatter Sampling
MBES Sidescan Imagery Snippets Imagery
Figure 18, Snippets Data Comparison
The Snippets option will satisfy the USGS survey requirements for high resolu-
tion backscatter data. With Snippets and the proper processing software, survey-
ors have additional information to allow better classification of bottom properties.
Sidescan Imagery Data
Sidescan forms an image of the sea floor which can be used to locate and iden-
tify features and bottom conditions. Each sonar ping is used to generate a line of
data. Each line contains a series of amplitudes representing the signal return vs.
time or range. A higher amplitude indicates a strong reflector, which may be ei-
SeaBat 8101 Operator's Manual
Version 3.02