Easy Smart GbE Switch
This link takes you to enable or disable port EEE(Energy
Efficient Ethernet) function.
User Account
This link takes you to a screen where you can change the
web configuration login account and password.
Firmware Upgrade
This link takes you to a screen where you can upgrade the
Config. Backup and Restore
This link takes you to a screen where you can save the
current configuration file to your computer or download a
backup configuration file to your switch.
Reset to Default Config
This link takes you back to default factory settings and restart
the system.
Config Save
This link takes you to a screen where you can save all the
configurations you have made to the switch effectively, so
that you can use the same configurations next time.
This link takes you to a screen where you can reboot the
System-Multi Cast
IGMP Snooping
This link takes you to a screen where you can configure the
IGMP snooping setting.
Port Statistics
This link displays port network traffic for the switch.
Cable Diagnostic
This link takes you to a screen where you can diagnose the
connection status of the cable connected to the switch and
the distance to the problem location.
Port Mirroring
This link takes you to a screen where you can monitor and
mirror network traffic by forwarding copies of incoming and
outgoing packets from one/multiple ports(mirrored port) to a
specific port(mirroring port).
Port Base VLAN
This link takes you to a screen where you can set the
Port-Based VLAN mode.
This link takes you to a screen where you can set the MTU
VLAN mode.
802.1Q Static VLAN
This link takes you to a screen where you can set the 802.1Q
Tag VLAN mode.
802.1Q VLAN Port
This link takes you to a screen where you can configure the
802.1Q PVID value.
Port-based Priority
This link takes you to a screen where you can set the priority
queue for the ports to determine the priority of ports’
receiving and transmitting data.
Bandwidth Control
This link takes you to a screen where you can configure and
view the bandwidth control function information.