Although not certified as a “Life Safety” system, RHAON has been designed to meet the stringent requirements of most Audio
Evacuation / Life Safety system specifications.
Since “Life Safety” requirements vary widely from country to country and from one locality to another, we strongly recommend you
contact your local authorities for an opinion before proposing a RHAON system for any Life Safety application. They know best
what’s required in your area to meet code requirements.
A summary of RHAON’s life safety features follows.
Redundant CobraNet Inputs
All RHAON Empowered amplifiers have a secondary Ethernet input that can be used to provide a “redundant” control and distribu-
tion system. Such systems, of course, also require a redundant Ethernet system. Changeover to the secondary or redundant system
is automatic in the event the primary system fails.
Continuous Performance Monitoring
The performance of all RHAON Empowered Amplifiers and Loudspeakers is constantly monitored for faults and abnormalities.
Event Logging and Notification
Pre-selected events are recorded in a Log file for later review and analysis; may be automatically forwarded via e-mail to another
Fault Monitoring
An opto-isolated input monitors the integrity of an external wiring loop by detecting the presence of a “sense” voltage and reporting
its absence via the Ethernet network.
Fault Relay
An isolated relay uses external wiring to report any amplifier fault, including the loss of the Ethernet carrier, to associated equipment.
Normally Open & Normally Closed contacts handle up to .5 Amp @ 28 Volts AC or DC.
APPENDIX I: Audio Evacuation & Life Safety Functions
Users Manual