IC Live Users Manual, ICL-F & ICL-F-DUAL
USING BeamWare
One of the features of BeamWare 2 is the ability to view both the vertical and the horizontal coverage of Iconyx arrays. The horizontal
coverage display enables you to quicky determine if a single Iconyx array will provide adequate horizontal coverage or whether more that
one array will be needed.
To open BeamWare 2, click on the RHBeamWare 2 Icon the installer placed on your desktop. This will start BeamWare 2 and open the
screen shown below.
At this point you probably want to identify the project and add your name to the file as the author. Fill in the fields provided and add any
notes you want to add.
Usually, the first step in using BeamWare 2 is to select and add a floor plan. A quick way to do this is to go to the Project pull down
menu, select Layout Presets and open the Preset folder. Then choose one of the example floor plans. For our purposes we’ll use the
floor plan of the ChurchFan2 room.
You can also create your own floor plan and import it into the Project. All that is required is an outline drawing saved as a bmp, gif or jpg
file. The file can be created in any drawing program that allows you to make a 2-D outline drawing and save it as a bitmap. AutoCad,
CorelDraw, EASE and Adobe Illustrator are just a few of the program that can be used. Another way, if you have a scanner, is to sketch
the outline on paper and then scan/save it as a bmp, gif or jpg.
To Import the drawing into the project go to the Project pull down menu and select Import Layout Bitmap. This will open an import screen
that allows you to browse to the floor plan file you created and import it into the Project.