Adjusting readhead supply voltage
It is strongly recommended that the sense lines are connected to the readhead so that the adjustment of the supply voltage, to compensate
for cable drop, is automatic. However, there are some circumstances where this is not practical and we have provided a manual method of
boosting the supply voltage.
In the .ini file there is a section called ReadHeadPSU which contains three parameters per axis.
These parameters are termination type, enable and voltage.
Termination type - controls the controller readhead circuits to provide either ac termination (0) or dc termination (1) [recommended].
Enable - This is set to 0 as a default which allows the normal automatic voltage servo to operate. If it is set to 1, then the readhead supply
voltage can be manually set.
Voltage - This is the manual readhead voltage setting. It is only read when the enable is set to 1 and the allowable range is 5 V to 7.5 V.
You must ensure that the voltage at the readhead is within the range 5 V ± 5% ﴾i.e. must not exceed 5.25 V﴿.
UCC2 and UCC2-2 installation guide
Issued 07 2021